Kolcraft Blog: Parenting 101
10 Best Potty Training Tips for Boys
Congratulations! If you are reading this, you are ready to leave the diaper behind. You can do this. Keep your perspective. Potty training a boy may not always be fun, but it helps to keep your sense of humor! Laugh with others about the trials and tribulations of potty training; you’ll all have a story to…
7 Tips for Reducing Allergens in the Nursery
The Gist: When babies are first born, their immune systems are still developing. Eliminating allergens in the nursery goes a…
Summer Sun Protection for Your Child
The start to summer means plenty of sunshine and a lot of time outdoors -- especially for kids. This is…
How To Balance Work and Parenting
Balancing work and parenting is an on-going process and it certainly isn’t easy. Here are a few tips to get…
Keeping Kids Connected: Communication Fundamentals
In this age of digital devices, our children are bombarded with high tech entertainment options. There is no doubt that…
How to Avoid a Tantrum
Children are pretty great. They are funny and cute — the most entertaining and lovable things on the planet. But all of that adorable…
Count Down to Potty Trained
Are you a parent preparing to send your baby off to preschool? If so, potty training is probably something on…